Thor Love and Thunder is the latest superhero sequel from MARVEL Studios and Disney. It hits the theaters on 7th July 2022 but fans already can’t get enough of the surprising new look of Jane Foster. Yes, Jane Foster takes up the mantle of Goddess of Thunder in the 4th installment of the Thor franchise. But who is Christian Bale (the Batman actor) playing? Gorr? Most newer Marvel movies fans would be puzzled since this character has never been referenced in any previous Marvel movie till now.

Not The First Appearance in Thor Love and Thunder

Gorr the God Butcher appeared relatively recently in the Marvel comics universe. The Marvel comics began to be published since 1939. Whereas the character and story arc of Thor the God of Thunder was itself created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in August 1962. On the other hand Gorr the God Butcher first appeared in 2012. Hence, it is understandable how the not-so-avid comic book reader may have never heard of this character. It is typical of MARVEL studies President Kevin Feige to add some of the more recent and obscure characters to the main Marvel Cinematic Universe canon. Following this trend, Gorr the God Butcher is his latest addition.

Gorr the God Butcher in the comics compared to in Thor Love and Thunder

Why Gorr?

Gorr is supposedly one of the strongest beings in Marvel Comics. He can morph any weapon out of his body and this is probably why he has been pitted against Thor. Based on our analysis of Marvel comics history, Gorr has had a long antagonistic relationship with Thor. Critics might say that the producers ran out of supervillains. But we think that Kevin Feige was just saving Gorr to be Thor’s ultimate match in the final installment of the Thor movies. Another theory is that Gorr is being introduced to tie in The Eternals movie with the main MCU canon. If you’ve watched The Eternals till the post-credit scene, you’ll remember Kit Harington’s Black Knight discovering the All Black sword (with the background voice of Mahershala Ali’s Blade).

The Connection with Sony’s Venom

Spiderman No Way Home brought Sony’s previous two Spiderman franchises and the Venom characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe canon. This means that Kevin Feige must now establish a clear connection between these characters and the pre-existing ones in the MCU. According to the Marvel comics, the All Black, the sword wielded by Gorr in Thor Love and Thunder, was initially used to make the symbiotes (such as Venom). Now the All Black sword has also been shown in The Eternals. Therefore, this clearly ties in The Eternals, Thor Love and Thunder, as well as Venom together. In fact, this one sword even connects Thor Love and Thunder to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Venom post credit scene where he is introduced to Tom Holland's Spiderman from Spiderman Now Way Home, is a scene that is significant in Thor Love and Thunder as well.


Now that you have some idea who Gorr is, you may understand why MARVEL studios wants him as one of the pivotal characters in the MCU. We think that Kevin Feige may not kill off this villain just yet. In fact, we think that Thor Love and Thunder may just introduce Gorr the God Butcher. With updates that the 5th phase of the MCU will most likely culminate in the Secret Invasion, the All Black Necrosword and Gorr have yet a greater part to play. Let us know what you think? You can comment your own theories down below. And don’t forget to stay tuned, because we publish all things entertainment.