Moon Knight created by Jeremy Slater is set to be a television series based on a Marvel Comic superhero. Moon Knight has also been known as the Batman of Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is also a series under the tenth installment of Phase Four. It is due to release on May 4, 2022 under the Marvel Studios production on Disney+. Here are 5 reasons that hint at the series being one of the best from Marvel yet.

Marvel Moon Knight only on Disney+

An important Prop of colours!

The very first scene of the trailer suggests symptoms of the dissociative personality disorder. Marc, played by Oscar Isaac, is unable to distinguish between his dreams and reality. He is shown tying himself to the bed and often fidgeting with a Rubik’s cube. Moreover, the cube could be a symbol of the series being Marc’s journey to balance every facet of his personality. Hence, this series becomes Marvel’s first attempt at showcasing a superhero with flaws and mental disorders. This is an offshoot from most Marvel superheroes who were all flawless in their personalities.

Is Moon Knight a Mythological Parallel?

In one point we also see the image of a crocodile on his phone wallpaper. This is coupled with his visit to the museum, all suggesting elements of the Pyramid and Egyptian Mythology. Marvel has earlier incorporated Norse Mythology in Thor and the Eternals. This is the first time the mythological parallel has shifted making it a completely new area of fantasy and lore to be explored by the audience.

Deus ex Machina

In the previous Marvel movies humans, aliens and Gods are often found being involved in fights against or together against some greater evil. Moon Knight however shifts from the fraternity as the God Khonshu grants powers of the Moon Knight to Marc to act as the Vigilante, making him a tragic hero, controlled by a God, like the Greek Deus ex Machina where the Gods themselves interfere into the tragic lives of humans.

Museums in Moon Knight: A pathway to Eternals?

Museums are a recurrent motif throughout the trailer in Moon Knight, which draws a clear parallel with the Eternals. Moreover, this movie also provides an esplanade to the connection Moon Knight might have working alongside the Black Knight Blade in the Eternals.

Ravencroft Institute

The villain played by Ethan Hawke might be the character of Sun King as portrayed in the trailer and his allegiance is shown to be to Ravencroft, the insane asylum which fans recognize from Venom: Let there be Carnage. Sun king is also a wordplay and opposite to Moon Knight making him a fitting first villain to see against this new marvel hero.

Final Thoughts?

Apart from all of these, did you know that Gaspard Ulliel, one of the actors in the Moon Knight series, recently passed away from a skiin accident in the Alps? With so many interesting and melancholic things going on with this series, it is set to be one of the best by Marvel yet. If you are interested in more such exciting facts about all things entertainment, do check out our other posts. You may be interested in a Hindu monk with a B.Tech degree, or even a crazy RJ from Indore.